
Welcome to the Portal Page

I've made this section of my website to help aid those who don't fully understand what to go through when building an arcade machine at home. There are several different things you will need to get, rely on, and prepare before you can really start. I have tried to break it into different sections so you can easily get to what you are looking for. Hopefully this will help with some of those confused on what their doing. For my MAME machine, I used HyperSpin as the front end, which means this is the application used as a shortcut to open all of your emulators and ROMs for playing. Its just a visual GUI (graphical user interface (what your seeing)). In turn this means technically everything would work without HyperSpin, but I would manually have to click and open each emulator, and ROM when I would want to play that system and game. Some people find it difficult to understand and get HyperSpin running, and that is why I've developed this part of my website. Enjoy!
